Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hiong Gong, here i come!! (41 days to go)

bwahaha, from the title you noe that i am going to the land where you can 买东西,吃东西,买东西,吃东西. lol yeah man.... lalala..... can't wait for June!!! yeah...think going for trips every June has become a highlight event for me... this will be my first time going to HK though, and i have not passed my Cantonese 1101 yet... :(

anyways, we manage to dig and dig and got a not bad lobang to go HK for 7 days. Air Tix + Lodgings only add to $578 per pax bwahaha. This is really cheap for peak period man haha.. (of course you would have guessed that my flight would have to be on jetstar for this to happen rite? well, we are gonna stay in hostel again... hehe so stay tuned to see my feedback on the hostel... will recommend it if it is gd...cos the rental is only $35 per head per night, and it is situated next to 女人街...:P)

well for this trip, going with qm, Cao and Nv Ren (best tour buddies), and degoon and gf, and qm's sis. looking forward to this as i haven't had a trip with degoon before. hehe, like to go with diff ppl every year so can have different experiences...

can imagine the dim sums calling out to me oredi.... "Eat me, eat me...I am a tasty siew mai.", "I am a delicious dan3 tat4" lol and of course Disneyland!! haha, shld go to HK one then next time go japan one then can compare.... me and qm are both looking forward to this!! haha just that we must bring our own food and drinks...heard they sell those at inhuman prices inside. XD haha but the most farni thing that comes to mind is, would the Mickey Mouse and Goofy mascots be speaking in cantonese? haha, that would really be very hilarious and funky. haha

And i also would like to see whether can buy back some nice VV dramas at cheap prices lol and mebbe can try to hunt for poster of Myolie!! haha think i am going crazy le...

Hope i will have time to post pictures and more update soon as well as after the trip.

P.S. Cao was suggesting we go Guangzhou also...told me we can go there call pros******..... -_-!!!

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