Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Long Weekend Fun

It's been a really long while since there was anything remotely close to a 3 day break from work, so this Good Friday was really a 'good friday' to me!!

I stayed over so we took our time and slept and recharged before heading out to enjoy our friday!!. hehe, here is a picture of us on the bus:

One noticeable thing is that we looked very shack, but happy (luckily being happy is the most impt thing). We were heading out to shop shop walk walk, and just to relax. Heard about the a few shopping centres springing up all around the town area so we felt that we shld investigate and 'pak tor' a bit cos we haven't been doing that a lot recently.

After much deliberation, we decided to head to Central, the 'new' shopping place located at Clarke Quay, to go chup with the Ah Bengs and Ah Sengs. HAHA, feels so cute to see little boys acting beng. Those were the days.....

Central is a relatively medium-sized shopping mall, which is designed to make you feel that it is big! This is mainly done by building it really tall and and having farni corners incorporated into the whole set up. Quite clean and bright place. First stop: FOOD, as my poor gf is hopelessly hungry as she slept past lunch: *****Drumroll*****

Long John Silvers!! haha we have a perpetual craving for this now and then. If you don't like it, too bad.... We like it and that's all that's impt anyway. Central has a wide range of finger food (located in their basement) and many Jap restaurants (for some reason) and of course the ang mo food (Fish Market) for the rest of you food junkies. The most notable point abt the food joints is they are all located in 1 particular wing of the shopping mall. For the hell of me, I cannot understand why (until later on when it dawned on me....).

Anyways, I brought qm to do manicure, as promised, so she can look pretty and nice! We went to Nail Art Gallery (I think) and she took a package to do french manicure and pedicure. I sat thru the whole thing and found the whole process quite cool and funky!! haha, express manicure and pedicure they never massage you with funny smelling oil and cut ur cuticles (think it is spelt this way rite? wateva la). they also never wash ur feet with plain water with orchid on it.... (orchid seems to make the water more high class....think it is just tap water with some farni chemicals anyway).

A farni interlude to the whole process was when this female BRE student (JAMIE!!! DO I LOOK LIKE I OWN A MANICURE PARLOR?? kau i think she was from BRE on) and entered the shop with a clipboard file and asked, "Sir, do you all accept credit cards?".

I conveniently turned ard, and asked the lady servicing qm the same question and the ger was so paiseh.....(duh tot i shld be the one paiseh.....I look like I can give ppl gd maniures meh?!?!?! lol) Then when the shop assistant shook her head, the ger happily ticked sth on her board and left...........diao.... and i tot she wanted to do a manicure and pay with her "VISA". She doing some market research on shops in Central, which makes her a prime suspect as a major in BRE... oh well....

Thinking back I should have like told her "Yes Dear, we also accept traveller's cheque." *Bleah* Don't noe shld cry or laugh.....

Anyway I realised I don't have a picture of my Darling's nails.... but they were pretty well done. Think the lady who did the manicure is quite pro!!

After that disastrously unfunny and uncool mistake identity episode, we went to grab more food. There is this British food joint (prob fake but nm) in the basement which sells nice finger food...forgot the name....but they sell nice spicy cheesy chicken (looks a bit like KFC popcorn chicken but comes with nice spicy chilli powder on it and a cheedar cheese dip!!! perfect combi)

Also discovered 2 very VERY unexpected shops there. 1 sells imported Japanese tidbits, and other foodstuff (quite common in singapore) and the other sells imported TAIWAN Snacks!!! at affordable prices somemore. ZJ!! got ur fav 太陽餅. Cool Sia! Then the foodstuffs are split by regions of Taiwan, into Hualien, Taipei, Tai Zhong, Gao Shiung. They have the fantastic tasting Mua Chee of Hualien, and 鐵蛋. so fantastic man.... see oredi drool liao, some more got 特產 of the other areas, where i haven't been :(

Must go see when u people have the time. We decided to walk outside and eat our cheesy chicken. Walking out to the Singapore river, we realised that the shopping cetre fronts the stretch of Clarke Quay bars.... and that other side has been totally revamped....think I am out of touch with this place. Looking up, I realised the ans to my earlier question. All the shops which fronts the river and gives you a fantastic view of clarke quay night areas..............are restaurant....from coffee club to the main food restaurants like Fish Market........ no wonder all cluster at that wing la.... They even have balcony sitting areas....this is definitely 1 gd spot to hold gathering...nice and pretty. Took some shots of the 'new Clarke Quay': (photo is a bit blurry due to my sucky photo skills)

Sat and ate with qm as we look over at the highly expensive (& dangerous) bungy thingi... looks really freaky and scary man.... Think you will never catch me on that haha, but quite enjoyable to be sitting down to chicken and nice green milk tea (also from the taiwan shop) and watching ppl regret why they gave them the stoopid idea to pay $50 to sit on that contraption lol. Took another blurry photo but think that it is beyond recongition haha:

After the meal, took a walk down to Brewerkz (never got the spelling right for some reason lol) to show qm where i was hanging out the night b4 with Joy and SHY, drinking free beer. As i walked towards the place, I realised that my office took a picture there 1+ years back with riverside point as the backing. Have been wondering where that place in the photo was....At least now I know...

We were lucky as we managed to spot the flying 'kites' i saw the day before. Being the resident 山龟, I have never seen kites with flashing LEDs, and no strings attached (pun intended)... haha. They seem to be some remote control gadget that were very sensitive to the controls.... The guys there did many stunts with their 'kites' and it was quite fantastic!! wished i owned 1 like them. Looking down at the grass patch, i saw blinking lights flashing on the grd too.... Pondering i think the 'kites' are EM gadgets...hehe, but then, that is in the realm of oh so scary EE, so i shall just leave it at pictures for this.... was too mystified to take (forgot to take la)

Walking further into Clarke Quay, we found a mini, mini Cooper exhibition ... haha quite cute and exquisite! :

Took a photo with this Cooper also, but did not turn out well, so won't put here :P

Anyways, wanted to bring qm walk to Butter Factory, but realised that it is a really long walk, so bring her see MOS only haha, still as jammed as ever. Wanted to show her Butter as I've been there quite a few times recently :)

That very much conclude the day....Stayed tuned for the next day...when i am not so tired.... going to bed...will add to this post when i can.....look out for my Saturday (7th Apr) entry soon.... Jolin Dancing Diva Concert.... :P

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