Monday, April 02, 2007

Me and My Wife

Well, decided to do a post about me and my paranoid yet cute little Lao Po!!! Due to the recent spate of events, she seems to think that I grew more yan dao (as if that was possible), [this is when i insert a photo to make myself feel gd]:

Haha, not yan dao at all, yet this silly ger I met actually fell in love with me (lucky me), well i can only begin to describe my joy in sharing my life with her. To tell the truth, for a happy-go-lucky person, she brought true joy into my life, so i can really be at peace with the world, and keep my optimism. This is the ger that gives me ever-lasting energy, to become a DURACELL Battery!! Nothing in life is too difficult with her around. My Wife:

To reward her for praising me (yayayayay!!!) I should do a post of her and me!!! 小夫妻,我的福气,这一辈子让我爱上了你。:) This is dedicated to my wife! For you my dear!! No matter where we are, how we look, we are just so happy together:

But comparing this photo and the previous one, I realised that i actually was eligible to be Santa Claus last scary man....push me a little and I will roll down the hill liao. I do enjoy taking photos with my dar dar, and over the years, we have taken so many nice photos, :) :

The picture below shows our 订情信物, our second pair of rings :->, with our names engraved nicely, though I do feel that CoupleLab did quite a shabby job on them. Nonetheless, I like them all the same:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so mushy... all the lao po lao pos thingy..

i m getting jeaslous... =) not of u.. but bcoz of my darling gf cum "laopo" heee...
